Thursday, November 4, 2010

Loveless poem ( FFVII )

Loveless Poem

Prologue (Poem)
When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting

Act I (Poem)
Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take to the sky
Ripples form on the water's surface
The wandering soul knows no rest.

Act II (Poem)
There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess
Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds
Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost
Wings stripped away, the end is nigh

Act III (Poem)
My friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?
All that awaits you is a somber morrow
No matter where the winds may blow
My friend, your desire
Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return

Act IV (Poem)
My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
Legend shall speak
Of sacrifice at world's end
The wind sails over the water's surface
Quietly, but surely

Act V (Poem)
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
To become the dew that quenches the land
To spare the sands, the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifice

{ Prologue } (Interpreted)
When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting

Act I (Interpreted)
The infinite mystery
The gift of the goddess is what the three men seek
We are disquieted by our actions
But their fates are scattered by war
One becomes a hero, one wanders the land
And the last is taken prisoner
But the three are still bound by a solemn oath
To seek the answer, once again

Act II (Interpreted)
Though the prisoner escapes, he is gravely wounded
His life is saved, however
By a woman of the opposing nation
He begins a life of seclusion with her
Which seems to hold the promise of eternal bliss
But as happiness grows, so does guilt
Of not fulfilling the oath to his friends

Act III (Interpreted)
As the war sends the world hurtling towards destruction
The prisoner departs from his newfound love
And embarks on a new journey
He is guided by hope that the gift will bring bliss
And the oath he swore to his friends
Though no oath is shared between the lovers
In their hearts they know they will meet again

Act IV (Interpreted)
The prisoner meets the friend who wandered. The wanderer is dying and the world is ending. he is furious that the prisoner gave up on there quest to pursue love while he remains loveless. The wanderer knows that in order to end it one of them must die. And so he initiates a fight to the death. The prisoner is unable to kill his old friend, and allows himself to be killed.

Act V (Interpreted)
The prisoner's sacrifice was the gift of the goddess, and its realization saved the world. The prisoner never returned to his lover, rendering her LOVELESS, the namesake of the poem. She was not alone however for her lover died and saved the world, and she would have him as long as she lived in the world. And so the prisoners sacrifice saved the world and his love.


Friday, February 05, 2010 - Permanent
Assessment for OUMH1103
Dear students and tutors,
The assessment for OUMH1103 are as follow:
Mid Term examination (Topic 1 - 4) = 40 %
Final Examination (Topic 5 - 10) = 60 %


NOTE : please memorize your Module/Textbook. They don't care about your fine notes, they ASK EVERYTHING. Be Prepare.

DON'T TAKE IT EASY. Even I found that Oral Comm subjectives' easier to answer.

Course Outline


Topic 1: Basic Concepts in Educational Psychology
This unit explains the concepts of psychology in general, which includes a definition of psychology, the historical development of psychology andapproaches in psychology. Various fields of physiology are also explained with focus on the field of educational psychology and its purposes. The unit ends with a discussion on the importance of educational psychology to teachers.

Topic 2: Human Development
Topic 2 explains the concept of human development. The explanation of this concept begins with a definition of human development, the principles of human development and factors influencing development. This is followed by an explanation of six theories of human development which are the psychoanalytic theory, the cognitive theory, the behaviourism theory, the socio-cognitive theory,the ethological theory and the ecological theory. Human development is discussed based on the three levels of development, namely, early childhood (1 ????6 years), middle childhood (6 ???? 12 years) and adolescence (13 ???? 21 years). At the end of the unit, the implications of the theories of human development for teachers are discussed.

Topic 3: Individual Differences
Topic 3 discusses individual differences. Genetic and environmental factors that contribute to individual differences are included in the discussion. This isfollowed by an explanation of the theories of individual differences. The implications of individual differences for teachers and how to teach different
individuals are described.

Topic 4: Personality
This topic discusses an individualÊs personality from the aspects of behaviour, thinking and emotion and how interactions occur between individuals. Important theories in psychology including the behaviourist and psychoanalytic theories areintroduced. Definitions and concepts of personality as well as the application of
knowledge about personality will also be discussed.

Topic 5: Learning Psychology
Topic 5 explains the aspects of learning, such as the concepts, characteristics, types and principles of learning. Factors that influence learning will also be discussed.

Topic 6: Learning Theories
Topic 6 discusses the theories of learning including the behaviourist, cognitive, social and constructivist learning theories. Classroom teaching and learning approaches such as direct instruction, mastery learning and cooperative learning will be described.

Topic 7: Intelligence, Thinking, Reasoning and Metacognition
This topic introduces the different methods of thinking including creative thinking, critical thinking and thinking skills in the classroom. Other topics thatare discussed include metacognition and the factors that influence it.

Topic 8: Special Education
Topic 8 focuses on students with learning problems such as physical and mental disabilities. The purposes and characteristics of special education will be discussed. Different examples of special education are described, which includes the enrichment and remedial programmes.

Topic 9: Programmes for Students with Special Needs
This topic discusses programmes for students with special needs. These programmes were developed to assist this group of students to be independent.These students need short and long term special guidance through programmes such as the inclusive, remedial and enrichment programmes.

Topic 10: A Conducive Teaching and Learning Environment
This topic is a continuation of Topic 9. This topic discusses the preparation of a conducive class to create an effective teaching and learning environment. Among the steps that have been taken are the creation of motivated models of teaching and learning.

First Post!

setting up this blog to collect and store (almost) all of the info I can get my hands on regarding TESL course at OUM.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gurindam Dua Belas

Gurindam I
Ini gurindam pasal yang pertama:

Barang siapa tiada memegang agama,
sekali-kali tiada boleh dibilangkan nama.

Barang siapa mengenal yang empat,
maka ia itulah orang yang ma'rifat

Barang siapa mengenal Allah,
suruh dan tegahnya tiada ia menyalah.

Barang siapa mengenal diri,
maka telah mengenal akan Tuhan yang bahri.

Barang siapa mengenal dunia,
tahulah ia barang yang teperdaya.

Barang siapa mengenal akhirat,
tahulah Ia dunia mudarat.

Gurindam II
Ini gurindam pasal yang kedua:

Barang siapa mengenal yang tersebut,
tahulah ia makna takut.

Barang siapa meninggalkan sembahyang,
seperti rumah tiada bertiang.

Barang siapa meninggalkan puasa,
tidaklah mendapat dua termasa.

Barang siapa meninggalkan zakat,
tiadalah hartanya beroleh berkat.

Barang siapa meninggalkan haji,
tiadalah ia menyempurnakan janji.

Gurindam III
Ini gurindam pasal yang ketiga:

Apabila terpelihara mata,
sedikitlah cita-cita.

Apabila terpelihara kuping,
khabar yang jahat tiadaiah damping.

Apabila terpelihara lidah,
niscaya dapat daripadanya paedah.

Bersungguh-sungguh engkau memeliharakan tangan,
daripada segala berat dan ringan.

Apabila perut terlalu penuh,
keluarlah fi'il yang tiada senunuh.

Anggota tengah hendaklah ingat,
di situlah banyak orang yang hilang semangat

Hendaklah peliharakan kaki,
daripada berjaian yang membawa rugi.

Gurindam IV
Ini gurindam pasal yang keempat:

Hail kerajaan di daiam tubuh,
jikalau lalim segala anggotapun rubuh.

Apabila dengki sudah bertanah,
datanglah daripadanya beberapa anak panah.

Mengumpat dan memuji hendaklah pikir,
di situlah banyak orang yang tergelincir.

Pekerjaan marah jangan dibela,
nanti hilang akal di kepala.

Jika sedikitpun berbuat bohong,
boleh diumpamakan mulutnya itu pekong.

Tanda orang yang amat celaka,
aib dirinya tiada ia sangka.

Bakhil jangan diberi singgah,
itupun perampok yang amat gagah.

Barang siapa yang sudah besar,
janganlah kelakuannya membuat kasar.

Barang siapa perkataan kotor,
mulutnya itu umpama ketur2.

Di mana tahu salah diri,
jika tidak orang lain yang berperi.

Gurindam V
Ini gurindam pasal yang kelima:

Jika hendak mengenai orang berbangsa,
lihat kepada budi dan bahasa,

Jika hendak mengenal orang yang berbahagia,
sangat memeliharakan yang sia-sia.

Jika hendak mengenal orang mulia,
lihatlah kepada kelakuan dia.

Jika hendak mengenal orang yang berilmu,
bertanya dan belajar tiadalah jemu.

Jika hendak mengenal orang yang berakal,
di dalam dunia mengambil bekal.

Jika hendak mengenal orang yang baik perangai,
lihat pada ketika bercampur dengan orang ramai.

Gurindam VI
Ini gurindam pasal yang keenam:

Cahari olehmu akan sahabat,
yang boleh dijadikan obat.

Cahari olehmu akan guru,
yang boleh tahukan tiap seteru.

Cahari olehmu akan isteri,
yang boleh dimenyerahkan diri.

Cahari olehmu akan kawan,
pilih segala orang yang setiawan.

Cahari olehmu akan abdi,
yang ada baik sedikit budi,

Gurindam VII
Ini Gurindam pasal yang ketujuh:

Apabila banyak berkata-kata,
di situlah jalan masuk dusta.

Apabila banyak berlebih-lebihan suka,
itulah landa hampirkan duka.

Apabila kita kurang siasat,
itulah tanda pekerjaan hendak sesat.

Apabila anak tidak dilatih,
I'ika besar bapanya letih.

Apabila banyak mencela orang,
itulah tanda dirinya kurang.

Apabila orang yang banyak tidur,
sia-sia sahajalah umur.

Apabila mendengar akan khabar,
menerimanya itu hendaklah sabar.

Apabila menengar akan aduan,
membicarakannya itu hendaklah cemburuan.

Apabila perkataan yang lemah-lembut,
lekaslah segala orang mengikut.

Apabila perkataan yang amat kasar,
lekaslah orang sekalian gusar.

Apabila pekerjaan yang amat benar,
tidak boleh orang berbuat onar.

Gurindam VIII
Ini gurindam pasal yang kedelapan:

Barang siapa khianat akan dirinya,
apalagi kepada lainnya.

Kepada dirinya ia aniaya,
orang itu jangan engkau percaya.

Lidah yang suka membenarkan dirinya,
daripada yang lain dapat kesalahannya.

Daripada memuji diri hendaklah sabar,
biar dan pada orang datangnya khabar.

Orang yang suka menampakkan jasa,
setengah daripada syarik mengaku kuasa.

Kejahatan diri sembunyikan,
kebalikan diri diamkan.

Keaiban orang jangan dibuka,
keaiban diri hendaklah sangka.

Gurindam IX
Ini gurindam pasal yang kesembilan:

Tahu pekerjaan tak baik,
tetapi dikerjakan,
bukannya manusia yaituiah syaitan.

Kejahatan seorang perempuan tua,
itulah iblis punya penggawa.

Kepada segaia hamba-hamba raja,
di situlah syaitan tempatnya manja.

Kebanyakan orang yang muda-muda,
di situlah syaitan tempat berkuda.

Perkumpulan laki-laki dengan perempuan,
di situlah syaitan punya jamuan.

Adapun orang tua yang hemat,
syaitan tak suka membuat sahabat

Jika orang muda kuat berguru,
dengan syaitan jadi berseteru.

Gurindam X
Ini gurindam pasal yang kesepuluh:

Dengan bapa jangan durhaka,
supaya Allah tidak murka.

Dengan ibu hendaklah hormat,
supaya badan dapat selamat.

Dengan anak janganlah lalai,
supaya boleh naik ke tengah balai.

Dengan isteri dan gundik janganlah alpa,
supaya kemaluan jangan menerpa.

Dengan kawan hendaklah adil
supaya tangannya jadi kafill.

Gurindam XI
Ini gurindam pasal yang kesebelas:

Hendaklah berjasa,
kepada yang sebangsa.

Hendaklah jadi kepala,
buang perangai yang cela.

Hendaklah memegang amanat,
buanglah khianat.

Hendak marah,
dahulukan hajat.

Hendak dimulai,
jangan melalui.

Hendak ramai,
murahkan perangai.

Gurindam XII
Ini gurindam pasal yang kedua belas:

Raja muafakat dengan menteri,
seperti kebun berpagarkan duri.

Betul hati kepada raja,
tanda jadi sebarang kerja.

Hukum adil atas rakyat,
tanda raja beroleh anayat.

Kasihan orang yang berilmu,
tanda rahmat atas dirimu.

Hormat akan orang yang pandai,
tanda mengenal kasa dan cindai.

Ingatkan dirinya mati,
itulah asal berbuat bakti.

Akhirat itu terlalu nyata,
kepada hati yang tidak buta.

Monday, November 1, 2010

FIVE Reasons People Fail

** also an answer to Activity 1.5, page 13.

A Guest Post by Brian Tracy, best-selling author of The Psychology of Achievement. Our new online magazine, StartUp, features an in-depth interview with Brian on how to manage your time and get more done.

People often ask me what the difference is between a success and a failure. For me, the answer is simple. A successful person knows how to set goals and work to achieve them. An unsuccessful person doesn’t.

The payoff for setting goals and making plans is being able to choose the kind of life you want to live. So why do so few people set goals? I think that there are five basic reasons why people don’t set goals — and thereby deprive themselves of the successful life they could be leading:

Reason #1: They’re not serious

Whenever I speak with a man or woman who has achieved something remarkable, I learn that the achievement occurred after that person decided to “get serious.” Until you become completely serious and totally determined about your goals, nothing really happens.

Reason #2: They don’t get the importance of goals

Many people don’t understand the importance of goal-setting. We find that young men and women who begin setting goals very early in life invariably come from families in which the importance of goals is emphasized. The discussion that takes place around your family dinner table is one of the most powerful formative influences in your life.

If your parents didn’t have goals, didn’t talk about goals, didn’t encourage you to set goals, and didn’t talk about people outside the family circle who had goals and were moving toward a higher level of achievement, then you very likely grew up with the idea that goals are not even a part of normal existence. This is the case for most people. And for many years, it was the case for me.

Reason #3: They don’t know how

The third reason people don’t set goals is that they don’t know how to do it. One of the greatest tragedies of our educational system is that you can receive years of education in our schools and never once receive a single hour of instruction on how to set goals.

Yet we find that in certain schools where goal-setting programs have been introduced since first grade, young people become excited about goal-setting — even if the goal is only to increase the scores by 5% or 10% over the course of the semester, or to be on time every day in the course of a month. Children become so excited about achieving goals that by the third or fourth grade, they love to go to school. They get the best grades. They are seldom absent. They are excited about themselves and about their lives.

So encourage your children to set worthwhile and realistic goals from an early age.

Reason #4: Fear of Rejection

The fear of rejection is caused by destructive criticism in early childhood and is manifested, in adulthood, in the fear of criticism by others. Many people hold back from setting worthwhile goals because they have found that every time they do set a goal, somebody steps up and tells them that they can’t achieve it, or that they will lose their money or waste their time.

Because each of us is strongly influenced by the opinions of those around us, one of the first things that you must learn when you begin setting goals is to keep your goals confidential. Don’t tell anyone about them. Often, it’s the fear of criticism that, more than any other single factor, stops you from goal-setting in the first place.

So keep your goals to yourself, with one exception. Share your goals only with others who are committed to achieving goals of their own and who really want you to be successful and achieve your goals as well. Other than that, don’t tell anybody about your goals, so no one is in a position to criticize you, or to discourage you from setting your goals.

Reason #5: Fear of Failure

This is perhaps the most important reason of all… People don’t set goals because they are afraid that they might fail. In fact, the fear of failure is probably the greatest single obstacle to success in adult life.

The primary reason you fear failure is simply this: You probably do not understand the role that failure plays in achievement. The fact is that it is impossible to succeed without failing. If you wish to fulfill your potential, you have to be willing to risk failure over and over and over, because there is no way that you can ever accomplish worthwhile goals until you have fallen on your face so many times that you have eventually learned the lessons that you need for great achievement.

Setting well-defined goals enables you to channel your efforts and focus your energy toward something that’s important to you. Goal-setting gives you a target to aim at and enables you to develop the self-discipline to continue working toward your target, rather than becoming distracted and going off in other directions.

To learn more about how you can radically improve your life through goal-setting, please accept my free report, Goals!

The report breaks down my proven goal-setting process into easy steps that will help you achieve the life you want faster and more easily than you ever imagined.